Why Mattresses

Typical fundraising events are tiresome efforts of selling cookie dough, car washes and coupon books – after these events your company is left with little return and still in need of more funds. Western Fundraising Solutions has set out to change the business of fundraising by looking at the needs of the guests. The key concept behind why mattresses work for fundraising is simple:


The average mattress purchase last year was between $800 and $1200.

On average, each house-hold replaces at least one mattress about every 4 years. Old unsupportive mattresses lead to improper sleep patterns and unnecessary aches and pains. Western Fundraising Solutions gives the people supporting your organization the opportunity to help out and save hundreds of dollars on a purchase they would likely make any way.

Turning your facility into a mattress showroom eliminates high overhead costs of an expensive brick and mortar store. With a proven marketing strategy, we will help your group get customers to support your event and eliminate the cost or time of advertising. This allows Western Fundraising solutions to offer unbeatable prices on the mattress they want.

Most importantly…it costs your group NOTHING AT ALL!!!